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African Violet Magazine

Published six times a year – in both print and digital editions – for members


Hunter’s Mother’s Love 

Grown by: Beverly Wombold

Photo credit: Winston J. Goretsky

Article Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in writing for African Violet Magazine (AVM), the official member publication of the African Violet Society of America written by members and volunteers. The following information is to aid you in preparing and submitting your article for consideration. Please contact editor Sophia Bennett ( with questions or submissions.

Types of Articles
Features: We welcome all articles that help African violet enthusiasts succeed in growing and showing African violets (and other gesneriads). The best articles offer advice and tips or twists on culture and grooming of African violets. We welcome articles about topics for beginning growers, expert growers, those who show their plants for awards, and hybridizers. Although articles can represent personal experience, we also encourage research-based articles. If unfamiliar with AVM, you may join AVSA or buy the current issue.

All articles should contain at least one “takeaway” for readers, such as concrete tips or ideas on how to keep plants healthy. The following steps can help you structure an article evaluating a situation or problem:

  • Note a situation or problem.
  • Define the problem.
  • Present the scope of the problem, along with any specifics.
  • Provide sound relevant information toward a solution to the situation/problem.
  • Explain the steps used (or to use) as a takeaway for readers.
  • Implement the solution or use past steps toward a solution as examples.
  • Describe and even monitor the results and report on the success or failure of one or more solutions.
  • Share the lessons learned and discuss what could have improved the outcome.
  • Be objective, but also state this is “my” approach or journey and indicate that other solutions might be more effective or work differently in other situations.

DepartmentsAVM departments (columns) are written by established members of AVSA.

Coming Events: We welcome affiliate club and member contributions to include Coming Events (web submission by AVM deadline or email to editor) and In Memory.

African Violet Magazine Deadlines

The following deadlines apply to all Columns, Feature Articles, Contest Entries, Coming Events, and Advertisements:

January/February Issue: November 1
March/April Issue:  January 1
May/June Issue:  March 1
July/August Issue:  May 1
September/October Issue: July 1
November/December Issue:  September 1

It is rare for an issue to go missing in the mail, but we would like to let you know the procedure if you do not get your magazines in a timely manner.

The magazine is usually mailed by BULK MAIL by the last week of the month prior to the issue date. Once it leaves our local mailing facility, there are many factors that may affect the arrival of your magazine. These are completely out of our control. If you feel you have missed your magazine, please follow the steps below, and we will send you a replacement copy.

  • Make sure your membership expiration date has not expired.
  • Make sure your address is correct with our records.
  • With so many different factors, please wait until the 20th of the issue date to notify the office for your replacement.
  • Once the office is notified, we will mail you a replacement via First Class mail.


Search the Article or Photo Index to find when articles or photos appeared in the African Violet Magazine. All past issues are included in our article database. The photo index includes a more limited number of past issues.

ADVERTISERS! See details in the AVM Media Kit.

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