AVSA Annual 2020 Meeting (Virtual)
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Due to a coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide pandemic, The African Violet Society of America, Inc. will be unable to hold its seventy-fourth annual national convention scheduled to be held May 24 – 31, 2020. A virtual meeting will be held online to constitute AVSA’s seventy-fourth annual meeting.
AVSA hereby offers its highest gratitude to those who faithfully worked toward holding a convention for the enjoyment and motivation of its membership this year:
- To
- Susan Anderson, First Vice President
- Mary Corondan, Second Vice President
- Joyce Stork, Marketing Chair
- Candace Baldwin, Website Chair
- Tom Glembocki, Technology Chair
- Richard Craft, Advertising Chair
- To
- all members of AVSA who have contributed or worked toward the 2020 convention;
- To
- the hybridizers and commercial members whose research and knowledge continue to provide new varieties and plant sources for all violet growers;
- To
- all AVSA judges and teachers whose knowledge helps maintain universal standards and the ability to hold AVSA sanctioned shows around the world;
- To
- Joe Bruns for managing plant registrations, which enables AVSA to be the International Cultivar Registration Authority for the genus Saintpaulia;
- To
- Joe Bruns and David Kesler for creating and maintaining First Class, AVSA’s Master Variety computer program;
- To
- the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and all related committees of the African Violet Society of America for performing their duties during the year;
- To
- AVSA Past Presidents for their support and continued service to AVSA;
- To
- Office manager, Amy Carruth, for her continued service and support running and maintaining the office during difficult times this past year;
- To
- Teresa Odle, editor of the AVM, for her time and expertise in producing the magazine;
- To retiring directors for their service the past three years:
- Sallie Barlow
- Linda Ingle
- Linda Kilby
- Sandy McIntosh
- Renee Wilson
- To
- the Little Rock Marriott Hotel management for agreeing to reissue AVSA’s contract for a 2022 convention;
Therefore, be it resolved:
That a copy of this resolution be made a part of the minutes of this 2020 virtual AVSA meeting.
Sue Hoffmann, Chairman