2025 AVSA 79th Annual Convention
May 25 – June 1, 2025
Fun, Free, and Full of Information!! Here is what attendees at the Kansas City convention have to look forward to.
A wide variety of interesting topics will be presented over the course of the convention.
Be sure to sign up for your favorite presentation when you register.
Thursday, May 29
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Terri Vicenzi
Bloomington, Indiana
About the Presentation
Terri is an award-winning grower of streptocarpus, African violets, and other gesneriads. She will share her experiences of growing and propagating them. Discover valuable cultural knowledge to refine your expertise and deepen your appreciation of these captivating plants.
About the Presenter
Terri Vicenzi has a PhD in Biochemistry and spent 20+ years at Eli Lilly and Company in drug development. She has been a lifelong, avid collector of house plants and developed a keen interest in the cultivation of African violets, streptocarpus, and more since retiring in 2014. At her first Gesneriad Society convention in 2019, Terri won Best Streptocarpus and Runner-up to Best in Horticulture. When she’s not repotting plants, she is typically working very large jigsaw puzzles.
Friday, May 30
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Steve Gonzalez
Stillwater, Minnesota
About the Presentation
Learn about water quality and options you can take to improve the water you provide your plants. Discover the differences in typical commercially available fertilizers and which formulations and amounts would be most beneficial. See photos of an experiment that demonstrate how plant growth rates and conditions change with different water and fertilizing practices.
About the Presenter
Steve Gonzalez has been growing orchids for over 40 years. Originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico, he worked with orchids in a local garden center, with the Botanical Gardens collection at the University of Puerto Rico, then at Pennock Gardens, the largest wholesale/retail garden center on the Island at that time. Steve has been a member of Orchid Society of Minnesota since 1991. Steve is currently an American Orchid Society judge and the Chair of the Chicago Judging Center.
Friday, May 30
3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Mark Romansky
Henderson, Nevada
About the Presentation
Want to learn the basics of culture, fertilizers, grooming, propagation and more? Mark presented a Violets 101 program for the public at the Phoenix convention and the feedback was super! His presentation is a no-nonsense approach to growing our favorite plant. People so enjoyed his way of presenting his approach to keeping things simple, we decided to make his presentation a formal part of this year’s convention.
About the Presenter
Mark Romansky has been around African Violets for over 50 years. His parents were African violet enthusiasts, so vacations were planned around greenhouses and growers. Caught early by the orchid bug, Mark was a judge for the American Orchid Society and has judged nationally and internationally, including two World Orchid Conferences. Mark speaks on topics of horticulture, reptiles, parrots, rescue, re-homing, and special needs birds.
Saturday, May 31
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Danny Tidwell
McRae, Arkansas
About the Presentation
‘Designer Dan’ will host four top designers who will compete for the title of ‘Next Level Designer.’ Not only will they compete against each other, but also against the clock. The contestants will line up and race to the materials table to grab the best stuff before others can. They will be assigned a niche in which to create their design and must finish within the 20-minute time limit. Oh! and there might be a ‘curve ball’ thrown in too. A panel of distinguished judges will critique the designs and choose the first ever “Next Level Designer”. This promises to be fast and fun!
About the Presenter
I have grown violets for over 20 years. Never considered a design until my house suffered substantial damage from a tornado in January of 1999. Loss of power for weeks took a heavy toll on plants, and they were not ready for our April show. I thought, maybe I can contribute to the show with designs. I ended up winning Best Design in Show and have continued my passion for design ever since.
Saturday, May 31
1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Scott Ammann
Highland, Illinois
About the Presentation
This open forum will be a panel of this year’s top winners. How’s this for something FUN. Scott Ammann from Illinois will moderate a presentation for our members to question the ‘top winners’ at this year’s convention. Who are they you ask? Well, here is where the fun and mystery comes in. The panel of three will be the exhibitors who win Best in Show – African violet, Horticulture Sweepstakes, and Best in Show – Other Gesneriad. We do not know who will be on this panel, it might be YOU! With Scott being our moderator, this promises to be fun, fast, and informative. The mystery makes this a must see at convention!
About the Presenter
Scott discovered African violets at a local show at the Missouri Botanical Garden and couldn’t believe there was a true everblooming house plant– that could also be variegated! He quickly joined the local gesneriad group as well for the streptocarpus and stayed for the awesome people.
It’s something new, something interesting for affiliates this year.
Be sure to sign up for the Affiliates Breakfast, so you’re in your seat for this special presentation during the meeting .
Friday, May 30
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Marie Glass
Paradise, Pennsylvania
About the Presentation
Join us at the Affiliate breakfast (7:45 a.m.) so you’re in your seat for the Affiliate Meeting (8:30 a.m.) where you’ll hear about an outreach program to grow your club’s presence in your community. Marie created the Purple Project that invites the public to participate in a class for 6-8 weeks where they learn everything she can teach them about violets. She will be sharing lessons that may inspire the creation of your club’s own Purple Project outreach.
About the Presenter
A teacher for 36 years, Marie found an African violet passion reignited from the ‘70’s following a 2013 trip to Russia that included a visit with Vladimir and Tatiana Kalgin. Inspired by their vision, she has found a way to bring empowerment through beauty for those struggling to overcome generational poverty in her community.
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