Scholarships and Grants

Since 1950, the African Violet Society of America (AVSA) has funded research concerning African violets. In more recent years, the Society has offered a college scholarship program for students—undergraduate and graduate—who are studying ornamental horticulture, floriculture, plant genetics, botany, or an equivalent program in an accredited college or university.

AVSA remains dedicated to, and enthusiastically encourages, the recognition and advancement of horticultural and related study at the college level.

Apply for AVSA Scholarship

The award is funded through the AVSA Boyce Edens Research Fund. Depending upon fund availability at award time, one or possibly two students are selected annually. The award is generally offered for one academic year—two long semesters—at a time. Awardees may apply in successive years but will be in competition with new applicants.

Must be student—undergraduate or graduate—who is studying ornamental horticulture, floriculture, plant genetics, botany, or an equivalent program in an accredited college or university.

Prior to application, students normally must have completed a minimum of 24 semester or quarter hour college credits, while maintaining at least a “B” average. Awards are based upon merit.

$1,000 merit-based scholarship awarded to two (2) students for a full academic year (covering fall to the end of spring) and a one-year complimentary AVSA digital membership. 

Scholarship recipients are required to write a short article for the African Violet Magazine where they introduce themselves and discuss a pre-approved horticultural topic of their choosing. The article will also include a photo of the recipient.

The completed application form and official transcript shall be submitted via standard mail or e-mailed to: Two (2) faculty recommendation letters must be e-mailed to All documents must be post-marked or received by March 1st of the upcoming academic year. 

PDF can be downloaded here: AVSA College Scholarship Application 2025-2026

Send application, official transcript and two faculty recommendations to:

Dr. Minh Bui

Jenny Freed Enchayan, previous recipient of AVSA Scholarship, is now an entomologist, mom, and business owner.

Jenny Freed Enchayan

Submit Research Grant Proposal to AVSA

This is the process to be used in submitting and evaluating grant proposals to the Boyce Edens Research Fund of the African Violet Society of America (AVSA). The grants may be used for underwriting the costs of research related to African violets (genus Saintpaulia) such as, but not limited to: culture and care, diseases and pests, genetics and hybridization, and ecological study and conservation.


An application for funding will consist of the following:

1. Cover letter to the Boyce Edens Research Fund Committee
2. A written grant proposal (as detailed below).
3. An agreement to publish the results of the research in the African Violet Magazine for the benefit of the AVSA membership.

Grant Proposal Requirements

The grant proposal will consist of the following:

1. Cover Sheet – with the title of the proposed research, name of applicant(s), institution where the research will be conducted, date of application.

2. Abstract – a short summary of the problem and goals of the project.

3. Body – to include the following sections:

a. Background of the problem including a review of the relevant literature.
b. Statement of the problem.
c. Significance of the problem to the AVSA membership.
d. Methods and Materials – explaining how the proposed research will be conducted.
e. Timeline for conducting the project.
f. Budget – a separate page listing of anticipated expenses to be funded by the grant with written explanation.
g. Literature Cited – a separate page listing the sources of literature cited in the grant proposal following APA format.
h. Appendix – an optional section containing materials (e.g. pictures or diagrams) pertaining to the grant proposal.

The total length of the grant proposal should be 12 pages or less.

Budget Considerations

Monies from the Boyce Edens Research Fund should be used predominately for the purchase of necessary materials, supplies, plants etc. for conducting the research. Costs for tests by outside experts, space rental, and travel assistance will be considered, but must be justified or explained in the budget section in the body of the grant proposal.

Evaluation Process

The evaluation of a research proposal will begin with the receipt of the cover letter and grant proposal document by the chairperson of the Boyce Edens Research Fund Committee. Grant proposals will be processed on a first come, first served basis. The chairperson will acknowledge the receipt of the proposal and distribute copies of the documents to the members of the Committee. The Committee members will evaluate the proposed research on the basis of its scientific merit and how the project
meets the goals and interests of the AVSA and its membership. The Committee members may recommend the following actions:

1. Fund with no alterations.
2. Fund with alterations.
3. No funding at this time.

The chairperson will coordinate the recommendations and will negotiate any suggested alterations with the committee members and the author(s) of the proposed research project. Funding must be approved by a majority of the Research Committee membership.


It is expected that all funded projects will report their results in an article to the AVSA membership in the African Violet Magazine. A progress report of the research will be provided to the chairperson of the Research Committee for inclusion in their report to the AVSA officers at the yearly business meeting of the AVSA.

Contact Dr. Jeff Smith for more information

Downloadable pdf Boyce Edens Research Fund Proposals

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