Donate to AVSA

Your gift giving allows AVSA to remain strong.

Consider a gift to one of these designated funds or endowments, each providing unique support functions for AVSA.

If you wish to make a donation other than through this website, please contact the AVSA office.

The African Violet Society of America Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Graphic Join African Violet Society of America

Make a Difference – Give Now

100% of Booster donations become available immediately for use by the Society.

There are no restrictions. The Society has projects and expenses running year-round which are not covered by dues paid by members.

Donate today to make an immediate difference.

Donate Burde Endowment Fund with photo of Barbara Burde

The Barbara Burde Endowment Fund was established to provide income for use in technology.

Donations go into a carefully invested endowment principal fund which generates income which can be used for AVSA support in technology.  See additional details at the What is an Endowment and How Does it Work information tab.

This fund is named in honor of Barbara Burde. Mrs. Burde was very instrumental in website development for AVSA.

The African Violet Society of America, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Simply Put,
  • An endowment is a donation of funds to a nonprofit organization, which can use the resulting investment income for a specific purpose.
  • Endowments are designed to keep the donated funds (principal) ‘restricted’ and by law may not be used and must remain intact.  However, using the ‘investment income’ for charitable expenses and efforts is permitted if necessary.
  • The goal of an endowment is to sustainably grow the fund by reinvestment of the endowment’s earnings while also contributing to the operating cost of the organization, if necessary.

The African Violet Society of America, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Donate Tinari Endowment Fund graphic with photo of Frank and Anne Tinari
Donate today, it makes a difference in the stability of the Society!

The Tinari Endowment Fund was established for the long-term financial security of AVSA.

Donations go into a carefully invested endowment principal fund which generates income which can be used for AVSA support.

This fund is named in honor of Anne and Frank Tinari, commercial growers and hybridizers, who were avid promoters of AVSA since its inception.  Each served as President of the Society.

The Tinari Endowment Fund specifically invites you to earn possible tax deductions now or in the future.  Here are some investment options for you to consider;

  • Make a donation today through this website.
  • Mail a donation, designated for the Tinari Fund, to the AVSA Office, PO Box 22417, Beaumont, TX  77720-2417.
  • Remember AVSA in your will, designating a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder after provisions for your loved ones.
  • Name AVSA as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, a retirement fund or a bank account.

See additional details at the About the AVSA Legacy Society information tab.

We will be pleased to discuss any options that interest you; however legal council may be required in the preparation of some of the investment instruments described.

The African Violet Society of America, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

See additional details at Tinari Endowment and Legacy Society

The Legacy Society is an honorary designation for generous donors to the Tinari Fund.

Donors who donate $1000 or more, or who make a commitment to donate $1000 in the future via a financial instrument, will be admitted to the AVSA Legacy Society. Details of gifts are confidential.

All members of the Legacy Society will be recognized annually in the African Violet Magazine and at the AVSA National Convention and Show.

Douglas & Lynn Allen
Carolee Carter
Judy Carter
Robert Clark
Randy G. Deutsch
Margaret Farrand
Dolores Gibbs
Linda Hall
Nancy Hayes
Sue Hoffmann
Terry Klemesrud
Anne Nicholas
Terri Post
Sue Ramser
Leonard Re
Janet Riemer
Joyce Stork

Donate AVSA Boyce Edens Research Fund graphic with illustration of Saintpaulia ionantha

Donate today to make a difference!

Monies from this fund are used to provide scholarship awards for university students who are studying horticulture, and for research grants.

Mr. Boyce Edens was a founder of AVSA and its first Treasurer.

The AVSA Show Awards Fund supplements the AVSA Awards and ensures that more individuals receive some compensation for their efforts. Many exhibitors work for a full year and travel many miles to participate in the AVSA Convention Show. Affiliates and individuals are invited to support their efforts.

Donations are particularly needed to underwrite Best in Class awards but may be designated for other achievements as well. Donors will be acknowledged when each award is presented.  Please contact the Awards Chair at with questions.