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The 2021 Cyber Convention Information

Entrance to 2021 Cyber Convention


The Convention Registrants (full package) and

the Convention for the Highlights registrants are now closed.

Please remember to complete the survey, which was sent by email to you.

Thank you for joining the Cyber Convention!

Registration Information

Convention Highlights Package - Just $5 to See Show, Salesroom & New Introduction Gallery beginning June 5
Register for 2021 AVSA Cyber “Diamond Celebration” Convention by May 8 and SAVE!

Full Registration Package

  • $30 for AVSA members ($45 for non-members) until Earlybird pricing ends on May 8
  • Beginning May 3, the cost will be $40 (members) and $55 (non-members)
  • Includes all convention activities beginning on May 30 through June 6 – Show, Sales, New Introduction Gallery, all live events, presentations, tours and auctions

Convention Highlights Package

  • $5 for all (member or non-member)
  • May be purchased until June 5, 2021
  • Includes access to see the Show, Sales, and New Introduction Gallery on June 5 and 6

The convention website will become viewable to registrants beginning on May 31. Following convention, some elements will be made public late in 2021.

Those registered for the 2021 AVSA Cyber “Diamond Celebration” Convention will be able to

  • attend all live events via Zoom links (you must register for each Zoom meeting you choose to attend)
  • access special offers from Commercial Vendors
  • see the 2021 New Introduction Gallery
  • bid in silent and live auctions
  • enter exhibits and view the 2021 AVSA Convention Show
  • see all presentations and tours
  • and have fun
    • Evening Cocktail Hour Get-Togethers
    • BINGO
    • Scavenger Hunt

The simple answer is that the fee covers the cost of expenses related to hosting a cyber convention.

The longer answer requires some background information.

AVSA annual conventions are required by the AVSA bylaws. Conventions are paid for by attendee registration, including fees for meal functions, tours, and Commercial sales space. Those fees are calculated to pay all rental and staff costs of a hotel contract. When conventions are well-attended there is usually profit. When attendance is down, AVSA must pay the loss.

The 2020 AVSA in-person convention was cancelled with little warning. In order to meet the requirements of the bylaws, a virtual convention was quickly designed on a new website by volunteers working almost around the clock. There were expenses, especially for the website. Miraculously, the convention happened, and was offered for free. Why? Because online registration tools weren’t available with that short notice.

In January 2021 AVSA launched a new website and new office software. We now have management tools for events and member needs, making a better and more complete convention experience possible.

The 2021 Cyber Convention will celebrate the 75th Anniversary in style, even if we must be apart. Those who attend will, as usual, be charged a registration fee to cover the expenses of presenting it to you.

Registration fee this year is about 1/3 less than normal – and a real bargain when it requires no traveling expenses.

It’s a great value, and you will have fun!

Show Entries Information

Show Entries accepted May 12 – 28, 2021

Email Questions/Problems to

Downloadable Show Schedule:

2021 AVSA Cyber Show Schedule Revised 05.06.2021

Click for Show Entry Form

Photos may be taken at any time now. Entries begin May 6.

  • One photo of each exhibit shall be submitted.
  • Photos of plants should not have been exhibited in other publications, online, or on social media.
  • Each photo file name must be named the same as the plant name or design class (ex: “Amethyst.jpg” or “DiamondsareForever.jpg”).
  • Photos of horticulture exhibits must be of the entire plant viewed from the side or from above and must show both foliage and blossoms unless it is a gesneriad shown for ornamental qualities other than bloom.
  • Photos of designs should be taken from the front and should capture the design in its entirety.

Photo Suggestions from the May African Violet Magazine  Cyber Convention How to Enter Smartphone Photos

Exhibitors in the 2021 AVSA Cyber Convention Show must be both

  • an AVSA member in good standing and
  • registered for the convention

Join AVSA!

Graphic Join African Violet Society of America

Convention Collectibles

Click image to buy souvenir pins!

2021 Souvenir Pins Special Offer

Cyber Convention Daily Schedule

Register for live events – Zoom links will be emailed



LIVE  3:00 pm CDT:       AVSA Board of Director’s Meeting VIA ZOOM

Pre-recorded and Viewable Today Beginning at Noon CDT:

  • Presentation 1: “How to Zoom” by Julie Mavity-Hudson
  • Bingo Instructions – how to download card, etc.
  • Scavenger Hunt Instructions – how to participate
  • Form to add names to Lest We Forget memorial list
  • Application forms for new Director and Officers


NOON CDT: SILENT AUCTION OPENS (through noon Saturday)

LIVE     6 – 8 pm CDT:    Cocktail Hour Get-Together  VIA ZOOM

special guests Ralph & Olive Ma Robinson, The Violet Barn

LIVE     9 – 11 pm CDT:  Cocktail Hour Get-Together  VIA ZOOM

special guest Sandra Skalski, Beginner’s Columnist

Pre-recorded and Viewable:

  • Presentation 2: “Basics of Growing African Violets” by Sandra Skalski

LIVE 5 – 6 pm CDT:  BINGO How-To Session – VIA ZOOM

See how to get your card, announce “Bingo” and improve your chances of winning a prize!

LIVE 7 – 8 pm CDT:    BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  VIA ZOOM

Pre-recorded and Viewable Today:

  • Presentation 3: “Spectacular Streptocarpus” by Terri Vicenzi

LIVE    6 – 8 pm CDT:     Cocktail Hour Get-Together  VIA ZOOM

special guest Dr. Jeff Smith, Research Chair, Columnist

LIVE    9 – 11 pm CDT:   Cocktail Hour Get-Together  VIA ZOOM

special guest Ken Muzalewski, Hybridizer

Pre-recorded and Viewable Today:

  • Presentation 4: “Science of Flowering” by Dr. Jeff Smith
  • Tour 1: Dom Fialki (House of Violets), Moscow, Russia



LIVE   6 – 8 pm CDT:      Cocktail Hour Get-Together  VIA ZOOM

special guest Dianne Duggan, artist, presenter

LIVE   9 – 11 pm CDT:   Cocktail Hour Get-Together  VIA ZOOM

special guest Kathy Hajner, Hajner’s Hybrids

Pre-recorded and Viewable Today:

  • Presentation 5: “New Blossom & Leaf Artwork” by Dianne Duggan

LIVE    5 – 6 pm CDT      Auction How-to  VIA ZOOM

LIVE    7 – 8 pm CDT      Live Auction  VIA ZOOM

Pre-recorded and Viewable Today:

  • Presentation 6: “75th Anniversary” by Rich Follett
  • Tour 2: Attractions at 2022 AVSA Convention, Little Rock, Arkansas



LIVE   10:00 am CDT          Shows and Judges Breakfast  VIA ZOOM

LIVE     3:00 pm CDT         Annual Membership Meeting/Open Forum VIA ZOOM

LIVE     4:15 pm CDT         AVSA Board of Director’s Meeting VIA ZOOM

LIVE     7:00 pm CDT         Society Awards and Installation Officers & Directors VIA ZOOM

Viewable Today Beginning at Noon CDT:

  • Cyber Convention Acknowledgements
  • Official Documents – “Lest We Forget” memorial list of those lost in the previous year
  • Courtesy Resolution, thanking deserving individuals


Customizable Daily Events Schedule

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AVSA Cyber Convention Daily Schedule 2021

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2022 Convention

Little Rock, Arkansas, May 29 to June 5